Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Dangerous Blunders in SEO that You Should Avoid

Google is a serious business partner. It does not want to be cheated. The moment you decided to include SEO in your digital marketing program, you have to abide by the strict algorithms set by Google to avoid heavy penalties. Here are some mistakes that could get your website off the search results.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Internet Marketing in Fort Worth: Why Small Businesses Need a Website

There are still small businesses that have yet to recognize the importance of a responsive website to a successful search engine optimization (SEO) strategy. Small business owners who engage in online marketing often make the mistake of entrusting it solely to the marketing or sales department, or any group of people within the company working for the same purpose. With more internet users nowadays, traditional marketing methods—even when done online—could cause your business to miss out on a lot of opportunities if you fail to build a website that can be used in all online platforms. Considering that creating a website involves technical aspects may be a factor in small businesses’ hesitation to build a truly engaging one. An article in cites three reasons why small businesses should have well-designed and well-built websites:

Monday, January 26, 2015

Internet Marketing in Fort Worth and Arlington Care for Customers

Arlington and Fort Worth internet marketing companies like VTG Business Group know the importance of customer relationship management (CRM). A good CRM system enables a company to monitor customer behavior (e.g. preferences, spending habits), client locations, and other demographic data. With the help of advanced and web-based CRM, it would become easy for businesses to understand and cater to most, if not all, of their customers’ needs. Data provided by a CRM system allow an enterprise to boost sales and target new prospective clients, not to mention retaining their existing customer base. Thanks to CRM, you’ll have a clear picture on what is working and what is not. There’s no need for you to spend considerable amounts on customer-focused campaigns that are not backed by actual and accurate figures.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

SEO Trends That Would Dominate 2015

2014 is now history, and it’s time for a change in 2015; more so in the world of search engine optimization (SEO). Trends for the past year have come and gone, and newer ones are out to dominate the field. Here are some of them.
SEO and content marketing will be separated – The terms content marketing and SEO have often been confused for one another, mainly because of how huge their overlap is. This year, however, is going to see a change. The two terms are going to be separated for once, with SEO focusing on the more technical side of online marketing, and content marketing on driving search engine rankings.